Dream Symbols

Killing Dream Meaning

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Having a dream about killing someone or someone being killed can be scary. Understanding what this dream means can help you make the changes necessary in your life to start living the life you want to live.

Learning how to effectively understand your dreams can not only help you improve your life greatly – it can also help you no longer have scary and troubling dreams.

Important! Dreaming of killing someone NEVER means you should kill a person in real life. If you have real life thoughts of harming yourself or others, it is important to seek the help of a professional. There are many better alternatives to solve any problems you may be experiencing!

What Does it Mean to Dream of Killing Someone?

killing dream meaning

Murder and killing in dreams is often closely related to dreams of death and dying.

Most times, nightmares that involve a violent type of crime in a dream means that feelings have become overwhelming or have gone ignored for too long. It has escalated to this point to get your attention.

Fortunately, very rarely do these kinds of dreams predict the future. Most often, a dream of death, dying or being killed is related to needing to make a change.

A Fear of Change and Transformation

We as humans are often afraid of changes we need to make, and this can manifest in our dreams as killing, as it is scary to think about making necessary changes just as it is scary to dream about someone dying.

Think carefully about your current waking life: are you afraid of making changes? Are you considering something new or different? This dream can help you understand a transformation that is underway and help you release your fears and concerns about moving forward with a change.

Feeling Lost and Confused

Most of us know that killing someone is wrong, not only is it illegal, but it also is morally objectionable. Dreaming of killing a person can mean that you are feeling lost and confused about your own moral viewpoints.

Many things in life are often a “double-edged” sword, meaning something can have both good and bad outcomes. You might get one thing you want, but have to sacrifice something else.

You may have mixed feelings about this conflict in your life, and this appears in your dream as a means to express wanting to change or end things but not being certain which choice is best.

Power Struggles and a Loss of Control

Have you ever heard the phrase, “kill-switch”? This is a complete loss of power, usually to an electrical device. Cutting off the power causes the machine to no longer work.

When you dream of someone hurting you or chasing you to kill you, it can mean that you are feeling powerless and out of control in a situation. If you dream that you are physically ending someone or something, it can mean that you are struggling to gain power in your own everyday waking life.

Endings and Resolution

While the events in our lives are not entirely like a movie, all good stories must ultimately come to an end. Dreaming of killing someone or being killed in a dream could mean you are coming to the acceptance period of something coming to an end.

You may be changing careers or ending a relationship. This dream does not mean you physically or literally kill something, but you are coming to acceptance to the closure and end of something in your everyday waking life.

Common Killing Dream Examples and Interpretation

Now that we’ve talked about some of the common themes we see in these dreams, let’s explore some possible dream scenarios and the interpretations.

Dreaming of Killing Someone You Know

If you dream that you are killing someone you personally know, this can mean one of two things. Either that person symbolizes a part of your own personality, or it can be a symbol for an aspect of your relationship with that person.

People in our dreams are not always what they may seem – so it is important to know if you have a dream where you have killed someone you know you care about in real life that it is not necessarily a sign that you subconsciously hate that person.

It can be helpful to think about the different personality traits and personal associations you may have of this person. Write down 5 words that describe that person – whatever the first 5 words that come to mind might be.

This will give you some clues into what you may not like about your own personality or behavior or give you some insight into your relationship with the person.

Dreaming About Killing Someone you Don’t Know

If you are killing a character in your dream that you do not recognize this is a strong indicator that your subconscious is trying to tell you that you need to change an aspect of your personality. It could also mean you need to stop a behavior you are doing.

Dreaming Someone is Trying to Kill Me

These dreams are very terrifying to have, and can be difficult to understand. Often times a dream like this means you are afraid of someone’s motivations in your life. For example, maybe you have a co-worker who is trying to use you at work. Perhaps you know someone who is either physically or verbally abusive towards you.

If you dream someone is trying to kill you it can also mean that you are experiencing anger or hostility from another person in waking life. This is a common dream to have after a heated argument or if you have stopped talking to a person in real life.

It can also be helpful to explore the related dream symbol being trapped in a dream as well as what it means to be chased in a dream, as these related themes may provide additional insight on what this dream means for you.

If Your Dreams Scare You, Don’t Be Afraid to Get Help

Nightmares can be scary. Learning how to understand nightmares can help you overcome these troubling dreams and get past difficult situations in your life.

It’s also important to talk to a professional if you feel overwhelmed or worried about your dreams. Often times there is much help and support out there if you are willing to seek the help.

Have you had any dreams where someone was killed? What were your thoughts? How did the dream relate to your waking life?

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