Being Kidnapped, Held Hostage or Abducted Dream Meaning
Being kidnapped in a dream can be a very scary experience! While being held hostage or abducted may be a very negative dream, the good news is by learning what it means you can find ways to confront your fears and make changes to stop and prevent kidnapping dreams from happening.
What It Means to Dream of Being Kidnapped
Kidnapping and abduction dreams can be very intense. If you dream of being held hostage, you may feel as if you are trapped in a situation with no way to escape. Depending on what other people appear in the dream, you may also feel feelings of betrayal or even anxiety after you wake.
While it is very scary to have recurring bad dreams, the good news is it is very easy to stop and prevent nightmares once you understand the underlying emotions and fears behind the bad dreams.
Kidnapping Dreams May Mean You Feel Out of Control
Kidnapping is the act of someone taking you by force against your will. If a kidnapper grabs you and runs away with you to a place you don’t want to go to you have very little control over the situation.
Another word for kidnapper is abductor. While we usually associate the word abduction with aliens from different planets, this word is also used in a legal sense to describe crimes where someone is being held forcibly against their will.
There are many instances in life where we don’t always feel like we have control. Control issues are a key focus in many new relationships, especially amongst newlyweds in their first few years of marriage. It can be difficult to learn how to balance the needs of different people.
Controlling other people is something that is very difficult to do, and yet at the same time we often give away our power and control to others willingly, only to regret doing so later.
Here are some examples of situations we may feel out of control in our lives:
- Reckless and unpredictable behavior
- Unable to save or manage money and finances
- Feeling powerless in work or career role
- Addiction to alcohol or drugs
- Parents trying to control children
When we don’t have control over a situation, we often feel anxious and upset. We don’t know what will happen. We can’t even influence what might happen. This can be very nerve racking for many people.
If this dream meaning resonates with you, you may also wish to look at what it means to be trapped in a dream for additional insight on how to understand your dream.
Insecurity and Vulnerability
Everybody has weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Nobody on the planet is perfect! There are always things about ourselves we cannot control that we wish didn’t exist. Even superheroes like Superman couldn’t stand up to kryptonite.
While it is natural for us to have different insecurities about ourselves, these fears can sometimes cause problems for us in life if we do not deal with them effectively.
Our insecurities are often about things we feel judged for. If you are self-conscious about your body or how you look, you may be worried about what others might think about you. You might worry that others will think you are ugly or overweight for example.
If you have been teased or bullied about a certain aspect of yourself recently this can sometimes manifest in a kidnapping dream where you feel insecure and vulnerable about this certain feature.
While it’s natural to want to change the things about you that you don’t like, sometimes we have zero control over certain aspects in our lives. We can’t just change our body with wishful thinking, nor should we want to.
Sometimes, just being aware of something you don’t like about yourself can be a sign it is time for you to learn how to embrace it. All weaknesses can become strengths once you learn how to embrace your uniqueness and use it for your advantage.
Safety & Security
Most of the time we feel pretty safe and secure in our surroundings. However, there are things that can happen that make us lose that sense of safety and security.
Maybe you lose your home to foreclosure, or maybe someone broke into your car and stole your wallet. Perhaps you just received noticed that someone with a criminal record for abuse has moved into your neighborhood. Someone could hack into your computer and steal your identity.
All of these are examples of things that can make you feel less safe. It can be upsetting to realize there is no way to fully protect yourself from things that are not within your control. The important thing to remember is you can either have a victim mindset or you can have a survivor mindset.
Life is certainly challenging and difficult. While there is no one way to truly protect yourself and stay safe, learning ways to cope with stressful situations and changes can make it easier to ride the waves of this storm of a ride.
Common Kidnapping Dreams and Examples
Now that we’ve looked at the common general themes that might be part of why you dream about a kidnapper, let’s look at some specific kidnap dream examples and how to interpret them.
A dream of getting kidnapped where you are the victim
These types of kidnapper dreams almost always means you feel out of control about something in your life. This can mean that you are out of control with your finances, you are engaging in reckless behavior or even feel like you can’t control what direction you are going in setting and reaching goals.
Pay attention in the dream – after you were attacked, were you able to escape from the kidnapper?
Dreams of Being Kidnapped and Tortured
If you had a dream about being kidnapped and tortured, this typically illustrates how much anguish and agony you experience about a situation you cannot control. You may feel such an overwhelming sense of pain that it is difficult to cope with certain situations that have happened in your life.
It is not uncommon for these types of dreams to appear after some sort of trauma, such as surviving an attack or losing a loved one. If you are experiencing many bad dreams after experiencing a traumatic event, it can often be helpful to work with a professional to learn ways to cope with and treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Being tortured or harmed by someone can sometimes mean that you are not feeling strong enough to fight for yourself. You are may feel helpless or feel that someone else is stronger, bigger and more powerful than you.
Dreams About a Child Being Kidnapped
If you dream of a child or family member being kidnapped, this could mean that you are worried about this child’s future. You may have fears that you are not doing enough for the child or you have very little control over what type of behavior the child is engaged in.
Often times these dreams can bring your own insecurities about being a parent to your attention. You may worry that you are a horrible parent or even feel judged by other parents in situations such as work and childcare centers.
Many mothers often dream of a daughter being kidnapped, because the pressure to raise a good daughter and be a good mother is something women have struggled through generation after generation. Often times your own mother may have had insecurities, which led to your own insecurities and now you are worried about the future for your own daughters.
If you don’t have children of your own in real life but still find yourself dreaming of someone stealing a child, it’s very possible that the child in the dream is a symbol for some part of yourself you are either afraid of or feel insecure about.
Ask yourself: is there any part of myself I wish I could protect or keep safe from harm?
Dream of Kidnapping a Baby
Babies are small, naive and vulnerable, so it could be that this case a baby is a symbol for your own weaknesses and insecurities. Look at the image above – these tiny fragile beings are new to the world and need protection and care to grow to stay healthy.
Sometimes this can mean that your own needs are being ignored or that you are feeling uneasy about something new in your life. You may feel insecure and helpless like a baby or small child.
Another possible scenario if you see someone kidnapping a baby or you dream that you are a kidnapper stealing a baby, is that you are currently struggling with your fertility and desires to have children.
There are a lot of different feelings that surface when trying to conceive. You may feel inadequate or as if something is wrong with you for not being able to get pregnant.
If you have experienced several miscarriages or delivered a stillbirth baby, you may feel as if your child was stolen away from you.
Some women who choose to have abortions and their partners may occasionally have dreams of someone stealing a baby when dealing with their own feelings and insecurities about the event, especially if these are feelings of guilt, regret or inadequacy.
Dreams of Being Kidnapped by Someone You Know
Even in real life crime statistics, it’s common for an attacker or kidnapper to be someone you know. Over 200,000 children in the United States each year are kidnapped by parents in child abduction cases. This is a very starting and alarming fact indeed.
In your dream this can mean that you do not trust the person in real life. You may have worries that they are too controlling and demanding. This person may seem like they have ulterior motives in their dealings and exchanges with you.
Sometimes these dreams can be a symbol for the dynamics in your relationship with the person. Are one of you overly pushy, aggressive or controlling? Do you feel as if you are not able to do anything right? Do you fear this person may want to harm you? Do they have your safety, well-being and happiness at heart?
If you have real life concerns about your safety with a person you had a dream about, you should reach out for help as soon as possible. There are many toll-free domestic abuse hotlines you can call that can help you find shelter and escape from an abusive situation.
You can call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline by dialing 1-800-799-7233 anytime. They understand the complicated matters of leaving an abusive person and know the most dangerous time is when you try to escape. They will help you find a safe way to get the help you need and deserve.
Dreams Involving Celebrities Similar to Scary Movies or TV Shows You’ve Watched
I’m sure you know this one already, but if you watch scary movies, they can often surface in our dreams. Our brains absorb millions of images and pictures each day – and that is a lot for our mind to process!
Sometimes we might see something in one movie or on the news and then our brain will mash it up with a different movie or news story. If you dream of a celebrity kidnapping this usually is not a precognitive type of dream to predict the future. Most often it just means you need to take a break from watching so much TV or read less news.
If your dream eerily reminds you of a movie scene or tv show you saw not too long ago, it could mean that it’s time to maybe focus on happier and more enjoyable things that help you feel safe and secure.
There’s no shame in watching kid’s PG-rated cartoons instead of horror movies, even if you are a grown adult!
What It Means to Dream of a Ransom Note
Ransom notes are demands from the kidnapper, typically demanding money in exchange that the person who was stolen will not be harmed.
Above is an example of a ransom note that was used in the Coors-Corbett Kidnapping case.
In a lot of old movies kidnappers usually would write ransom notes. One of the distinguishing features of these notes is the kidnapper would try to disguise their handwriting in some way. They might use cut out words and letters from magazines or type the message so it is not possible to trace back who wrote it.
When we dream of a ransom note it can be a sign that we feel like we are not good at negotiating. This is especially true if you work in careers where you need to often negotiate for yourself or your clients.
You may also feel as if someone in your life is trying to bribe you or extort you in doing something you do not want to do. It can seem like this person is trying to manipulate for their gain.
Seeing a ransom note in your dream can be very helpful for you to identify your fears and insecurities. For example, if you notice the letters are written in a certain color, you can use color symbolism to better understand what your fears may be.
Sometimes the items requested in a ransom note can give you clues on your own fears and insecurities. If the demand is for a large sum of money it can be a symbol that you feel out of control about your financial situation or you feel as if you are not able to earn enough money for your needs.
If you see numbers in the dream, these numbers can often have great significance. For example, if your captor demands 4 million dollars, the number 4 could be a clue that your fears are surrounding your own stability and security in your home. You may have subconscious fears about your ability to provide for your family.
Dreaming That You Kidnap Someone
So the tables are turned and now you are the bad guy – you are the person doing the kidnapping in the dream.
If you dream of being a kidnapper, it could mean that you subconsciously desire more power or that you wish to dominate over someone.
You may wish that you could control the behavior of another person. These types of dreams are very common if you feel as if you are powerless in a situation. In some ways the dream is a wishful-thinking where you can explore what it might feel like to have control.
Obviously it is illegal to kidnap a person, so if you have a dream like this it is very important to not act on it. Watch enough crime action movies and you should know the bad guys rarely ever come on top.
If you have concerns that you may harm someone, don’t be afraid to get help with a mental health professional. You will have a much better outcome for yourself to reach out for help with these feelings than to actually act on feelings that could harm others.
Scary Dreams Are an Opportunity to Better Understand Yourself
Having scary dreams, are…well…scary! But just because something is scary doesn’t mean it can’t be useful or help us in some way.
One benefit of these types of weird dreams is they can give us a chance to better understand ourselves. If you dream about a kidnapper stealing you and holding you hostage, you can try to think about what situations in your current life make you feel out of control or trapped.
For example, let’s say you work in a job you really don’t like. Your co-workers are rude and mean and your boss constantly makes unrealistic demands. You might hate the job, but you might also really need to work because you need money for bills or to even save up enough money to move to a different city with better job opportunities.
If you look at the dream in context with your real life situation, it can seem like a hopeless situation where you have very little control over the situation. While we can’t always make changes instantly on demand, we can often times look for ways to help make difficult situations less stressful.
In this case, identifying the feelings from work as being the cause of the dream can help you address some of the issues at work. Are there ways you can gracefully handle those co-workers? Can you tell your boss no? Would you be able to work other less stressful jobs that maybe don’t pay as much but would give you a much better situation in your every day life?
Obviously in all of these examples the outcome is completely up to you. When you explore your dreams it can help you understand your feelings and guide your heart to lead you on a path to the life you want.
Have you ever had a dream about being kidnapped or a kidnapper? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments section below!
Hostage dreams are HORRIBLE. I was supposed to be staying at a relatives (idk who they were) and ended up being in an empty fish tank and not being able to leave. next day, a few people came over including my PARENTS. The feeling of not being able to tell them my situation was frustrating. after they left, it was back in the tank for me. thankfully, the next day my parents came onto the road by the house i was in, I saw them trough the window with the door open. taking my chance, I get out the tank and make a line to get in and leave. whoever kept me in the tank was SHOOTING at ME. Dream me was so relieved I was outta there.
I had a dream last night that I was being stalked. The man was about 18 years old. I’m 17, so there wasn’t an age gap. He followed me everywhere and observed my every move. I got sick of this. I found a blonde wig at school and put it on. I also wore a ton of makeup and put on black clothes. But the disguise didn’t work. I walked home from school. He tackled me onto the ground and pulled the wig off my head. He grabbed me and put me in his basement, tying me to a chair. I was given an old TV for entertainment, but that was it. On the news, they were talking about me. The school I went to checked the security footage. Since I pretended to look like somebody else as I left, they assumed I must’ve ran away. The idea that I was kidnapped crossed nobody’s mind. I was furious. Then the abductor teased me for wanting freedom. He told me he’s only doing it because he ‘loves me’ which I didn’t believe. I panicked, because I realized that I never told anyone that he was stalking me. Then I woke up. Damn, it was a very terrifying dream.
So far, I can remember three kidnapping dreams I’ve had. In my most recent one, I was walking in a dark city with maybe 4-5 people who didn’t have faces but I knew them. We turned into an alley for some reason and was cornered by a gang of 6 men. In this dream, my left leg was in a cast. “Let’s remove the cripple so you can stand a chance.” one guy said and then I was grabbed. A fight broke out. I was able to identify one person that was on my side, my best friend. I began to get dragged off with them following behind me.
In my second dream, it started out with me already tied up in a dark area. I assumed it was a basement. I could see 5 other people, 2 looked my age and the other 3 looked younger. Then, two men came downstairs. They started talking but I can’t remember what they said. One of the kids my age talked back and was kicked. Then we started getting dragged off one by one to an old barn. It was day on a farm, there was only a small house and a barn, nothing else. We were surrounded by a clearing. The abductors started hitting one of the younger kids, so I stood up and took a hit. I was grabbed and pinned on a wall and punched in the gut. As I was hit, my binds came loose. I was able to kick the guy hitting me and ran to the other kids. They started trying to get free as the other kidnapper grabbed me. I fought back and then one of the kids my age helped me. The dream gets fuzzy after that.
For my third dream, I can’t remember it very well. Me and kids I knew from my school were all in a corner. We were in a small house and moved by our three kidnappers. We were in the old trailer park of my town. I saw a phone on the ground and snagged it. I can’t remember what happened after that.
i had a dream i was being held captive by spiders and they were about to eat me. they were huge about the size of a soccer field.
I just woke up from a horrible dream I am still shaking. I had a dream me and my cousin were with a realtor who just sold me a house( in real life) looking at apartments for her. We saw the apartment she thought it was too small so we headed back to the car on the way to the car she got beat up by a lady and broke her wrist I tried to pepper spray her but I had ran out. Then the dream cuts to me in a parking lot at a dog adoption event I was being chased by 4 guys in 3 different cars I was going through fences to try and escape these 3 guys as I’m speeding away they are texting me they are going to get me I manage to escape and my brothers girlfriend calls me and says a mutual friend over heard 3 guys planning to kidnap me and they are coming to get me then I remember a green Jeep Wrangler chasing me and that’s where I woke up panicked. So freaking weird and creepy!!!!
Last night i had a dream that I was working at my old job at Burger King and it was closing and there was this last customer that offered me a ride home. A nice young woman, but as she missed the turn to my house I started panicking and somehow we ended up in a city bus and I lept out of her car, idk how we kept changing cars. and I ran through downtown where all the homeless and drug addicts were and I recognized a building (not in real life) and I ended up at an old roommates apartment and she let me in. I eventually went home and tried calling 911 and i couldn’t figure out the cell phone for some reason and then I finally got through to 911 and told them what happened and i had to keep calling back to tell them different details about what the woman looked like (she was blond) and what kind of car it was, and after like the 3rd call they gave a number to call with any new information so i didn’t have to keep calling 911. i don’t remember the number, but i think that’s when i woke up cuz i don’t remember anymore after that.
I had a dream that I and classmates from my old school were being kidnapped by a group of people (mostly men). And we were being taken to a barn that had only 3 walls so that one side was open and inside were these cages almost like horse stalls but different sizes, there big square ones and then small rectangular ones that kind of looked like porta potties with only a small window covered in bars on the front. In the big ones they had a bunch of little kids trapped in there and me and my classmates were put in the small rectangle ones. We were left there the entire day until at night they would let us out but to work for them and do stuff like chopping trees and moving hay. Anyone who didn’t go along were being put in even smaller cages that had no windows and they would be locked in there for hours I had been in one of those on my first day there and I was freaking out. But if you did work, they would let us into these stores that were next to the barn to let us buy candy and junk food. I was there for days and I would always go to the same store were the person at the register(they were part of the kidnapping) was my French teacher but she acted like she didn’t know me. Days passed when one day my parents stopped by the barn they let me out of my cage and I immediately ran to them but they acted like they were almost disappointed. I was telling them how I had been kidnapped and that they had to help me but they stopped me basically saying the kidnappers were allowed to kidnap and finders keepers and they left me there. After I fought with them and they threatened to punish me, They put me back in my cage when again at the end of the day I worked and went to the store just like every other night and this time I grabbed more than usual and the register lady (my teacher) noticed I was acting weird, she told me to stay behind until after everyone left and I did. She closes up the store and takes me to the abandoned store right next to hers telling me how this used to be her favorite store and everything inside was from old times. She tells me her favorite thing had been this chocolate the you could put in your hair and it was edible. She put some and told me to eat it which I did. Then the dream ended.
I had another dream about being held hostage except this time it was by somebody who was really cute I was hanging out with him and then he showed me this magazine thing that was like really creepy so I said it was creepy and then all of a sudden he grabs onto me and then I somehow had an out of body experience at that time and I can see him beating me and I just seen a flash of my face that was all swollen and I was trying to get to the phone I escaped once and had to go back in to grab my phone to call for help and I called my sister and she said she was on her wayand he ended up trapping me inside an upstairs bedroom I seen blue lights and I tried to trick him into thinking that it was the cops on the way to get him and that I called them and he looks out the window and says they’re not cops you’re not safe he turned on the TV there was a news thing on and it was about a girl I new from my old school from and he was watching it very intently I asked him what he did to her and he didn’t answer me I think he was drunk or something because he ended up dozing off and then I hit him really hard in the face and I walk out the bedroom door and there’s this huge staircase and I just jump over the railing and I land on my feet and notice as I’m jumping that I’m really slow jumping and I see that the door is locked at the end of the hall as coming down the middle of the stairway slow motion feet first and I get to the door and I unlock it really quick and I run outside and I can hear him chasing me behind me so I keep going forwards to the van that I came in and I can’t remember what happened between that spot but then I ended up in a police interview room where they’re showing me the same magazine that I said was creepy and the guy was there and he looked at me like he wanted to hurt me and then I woke up it was so weird
I just woke up from a strange dream… I was at my in laws house and left to meet a friend. As I left, I realized I was wearing only a towel. As I kept walking I ran into my family members and was able to put on some clothes. I was feeling hungry and my family never assumed I was pregnant (I am not/unsure currently). He mentioned a danish and I don’t like jelly filling so I started to through up. I ran inside to use the bathroom. I knew I’ve been in the gas station before so I’m was weirdest out when the worker said go to the left instead of right. As I went in I noticed the stalls were dark and scary and nasty. As I kept walking to find a good stall to use I turned to my right and seen a couch and kitchen and bong. I was automatically edited out and turned to leave. As I did someone grabbed me. We started walking outside. I seen someone familiar and they noticed right away I was in panic. I had my phone and was able to call 911 and took off running. As I was running I was able to see where I was and alerted the operator and continued to run. As I reached the front of the building I woke up.
Sorry correction: my family assumed I was pregnant
I dreamed of being kidnapped by a stranger and taken to a different country. Then l was made to watch 3 different murders of strangers.
Yes, I was kidnapped by my friend’s father to be with him and became his wife.
This is very ironic I know that he is very fond of me but not to the extent of kidnapping me. The funny thing is most of the people around me are favoring and helping him to find and catch me on time. I even tried to bite his head showing off the teeth marks with blood on his head. But still, he did not stop chasing me. I was able to get away and hide in a bigger container with a friend but still, he was able to find and make arrangements to move me from a place where he can possibly control me. The weird thing is most of the people ariund me are helping him including celebrities.
I dreamt of being kidnapped by 2 men in a red car near my great grandmothers house , which I recently moved from, but I escaped.Yesterday I dreamt of 2 men in a red car kidnapping a woman , there were 3 men in the car . The woman had a gun and a man tried to rescue her from being kidnapped and failed.
Just woke up from a bad dream its dtarts with me already kidnapped and i was stuck in a hotel room with an old lady (kidnaper) and some other girl (some one i knew from school) me and the other girl were slaves to the old lady. But when the old lady left me and the girl got it on then after that the lady came home and made us do stuff for her and at all times me and the girl had a collar on that would kill us if we escaped or disobeyed the old lady but one day the old lady took us to an amusement park that had an electric fence and so i decided to run for the gate thinking if i jumped over the electric fence the collar would have no effect on me and it worked the electric fence broke the collar of my neck but the whole amusement park lost all electricity so it was pitch black then eventually i was walking towards my grandmas house which is when i saw 4 men walking my direction so i immediately ran past them but they turned around and proceeded to follow me into my grandmas yard and i knew from a previous dream i cant out run them so i tried yelling but i had no voice and i couldnt get to the door in time before they cought me but i woke up before they took me somewhere
Just woke from the worst dream on record in my life. I was trapped in a house with people who wouldn’t let me leave. There were many people in this house roughly 8 and every time there was a small window of opportunity to escape, I would be caught by one of the captors. There was no abuse or physicality but the threat loomed throughout. I went through near escape only to be caught at least 6 times in this dream and each escape had a different outcome. I take someones car keys hoping to steal their car and get away, caught. I pretend to take my dogs out to let them relieve themselves, jump into a elevator and right when the doors are about to close, caught. I even got as far as getting access to a car , go to start the car then caught. The captors are manipulative, kinda cult like in that they tried to talk me out of leaving with some hairy fairy b.s. about being part of the group. They acted as like they cared but it was all control. I went through scenario #7 then abruptly woke up extremely upset and panicked. Took a minute to realize it was a dream because it was the most vivid dream I’ve ever had. I’m 41 have had some traumatic experiences over the years. This dream I believe proves I haven’t fully healed and am worried about the future maybe. Also it could be the current lockdown finally taking its toll. Thank you for this article and helping me navigate this scary experience.
last night i had the wiredest dream! i was with my friends and someone tried to kidnap us so we all split up to escape and then i ran to my ex’s house and he said he still loved me but he also loved his new girlfriend. i relised it was late and i had to go home, but then i was kidnapped even though everyone else escaped. the people who kidnapped me had taken loads of babies and where trying to get pearents to pay an 11,000 dolloar ransom. they made me call and text my dad but he said it was my own faut and he hasn’t got the money but then my best mate lily appeared and paid it for me. what does it mean? this is the first time i’ve ever really remembered a dream!
I had a dream that I and classmates from my old school were being kidnapped by a group of people (mostly men). And we were being taken to a barn that had only 3 walls so that one side was open and inside were these cages almost like horse stalls but different sizes, there big square ones and then small rectangular ones that kind of looked like porta potties with only a small window covered in bars on the front. In the big ones they had a bunch of little kids trapped in there and me and my classmates were put in the small rectangle ones. We were left there the entire day until at night they would let us out but to work for them and do stuff like chopping trees and moving hay. Anyone who didn’t go along were being put in even smaller cages that had no windows and they would be locked in there for hours I had been in one of those on my first day there and I was freaking out. But if you did work, they would let us into these stores that were next to the barn to let us buy candy and junk food. I was there for days and I would always go to the same store were the person at the register(they were part of the kidnapping) was my French teacher but she acted like she didn’t know me. Days passed when one day my parents stopped by the barn they let me out of my cage and I immediately ran to them but they acted like they were almost disappointed. I was telling them how I had been kidnapped and that they had to help me but they stopped me basically saying the kidnappers were allowed to kidnap and finders keepers and they left me there. After I fought with them and they threatened to punish me, They put me back in my cage when again at the end of the day I worked and went to the store just like every other night and this time I grabbed more than usual and the register lady (my teacher) noticed I was acting weird, she told me to stay behind until after everyone left and I did. She closes up the store and takes me to the abandoned store right next to hers telling me how this used to be her favorite store and everything inside was from old times. She tells me her favorite thing had been this chocolate the you could put in your hair and it was edible. She put some and told me to eat it which I did. Then the dream ended.