Dream Symbols | Objects

Teeth Dream Meaning and Symbol

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One of the most common dreams people experience is to dream about teeth falling out.

It can be such a vivid and realistic dream that you feel like it is really happening. Because our teeth are such a vital part of our survival (how would we eat without teeth?), there is usually an important message that accompanies a dream about teeth.

While teeth falling out is the most common dream, there are actually many different types of dreams about teeth that can happen and different meanings as to what it means when you dream about teeth.

In this post, we’ll do our best to explain the different meanings of teeth in dreams, and how you can use these dream interpretations to help you unlock the meaning of your dreams.

Here are some of the common types of teeth dreams and their meanings:

Teeth Falling Out: Since this is the most common type of teeth dream, we decided to cover it first. While it may be common, it does not always mean the same thing for everybody.

Dreaming about your teeth falling out can mean several different things. Usually when you dream about teeth falling out, you have anxiety over something. Maybe you are worried about getting older, saying something you shouldn’t have, your appearance to others, or being embarrassed in front of others.

Since teeth are used for survival, teeth falling out can also be a loss of sense of independence or powerlessness. Pay close attention to the other parts of your dream – who else was with you, what were you doing, how did you feel?

Broken Teeth: Dreaming of teeth breaking often symbolizes something else that is breaking in your life. It is often a symbol that means something important to you is literally falling apart. It can also mean that something needs your attention. Pay careful attention to the other symbols in the dream, as it will provide more clues as to what you may feel is falling apart.

False Teeth: Dreaming of false teeth is often a symbol of lying or deceit. It can mean you are trying to cover something up, or you are not being your true self. Think carefully about what you have done and said in the past few days. Were you dishonest? Did you say something you shouldn’t have? Did you break a promise or reveal a secret? Events in your waking life often have an important role in why you may dream about false teeth.

Healthy Teeth: Dreaming of white, straight, healthy teeth can mean you are confident or have recently done (or will do) something successfully. You may be feeling proud of an accomplishment or recent achievement.

Losing Teeth: If in your dream you have lost a tooth and are searching for it, it means you are afraid of losing something you love, or have possibly already lost something of value or importance to you.

Loose Tooth: Dreaming of having a loose or wiggly tooth often means you are fearful of something. You may be afraid of saying the wrong thing, or you may be afraid of losing something or someone of importance or value to you. Think carefully about what you feel anxious about lately and pay attention to other dream symbols in the dream, as they can provide clues as to what you may be anxious about losing.

Pulling Teeth: Have you ever heard the expression, “it’s like pulling teeth”? This means that you are facing something very difficult to do. Pay attention to whether it is hard to pull the teeth or it is easy – this will help you better understand the meaning of the dream. If you are pulling teeth effortlessly, then it could mean you may not have to work too hard to get something you want. If it’s a struggle or painful for the teeth to be pulled, you may be facing a difficult situation that is hard for you to deal with or overcome.

Rotting Teeth: When something is rotting, it is going bad, which generally is not a good symbol to have in our dreams. To have rotting teeth means that something is going badly for you. Pay careful attention in the dream to who was with you when your teeth started rotting, what you were doing, or other symbols in conjunction with the dream of rotting teeth. Also think about your waking life – is there anything going on that has the potential to go bad? Rotting teeth can also be a sign of neglect – is there something you have been neglecting lately?

Other Meanings of Teeth Dreams

Lying: It is a common belief to dream of teeth falling out that it means you are lying or have been lied to. This is especially true if you dream of false teeth, but not always the case in every dream. Again, it is very important to think about the context of the dream!

Money: Teeth can sometimes be associated with money for some people. This may seem strange, but not when you consider the tooth fairy, who leaves money for teeth beneath a pillow. Losing a tooth could mean you may find money or you may be rewarded for making a sacrifice.

Regret: Did you recently say or do something you regret or had mixed feelings about? Dreaming of losing your teeth or teeth falling out after an argument or disagreement with someone is very common.

Sickness: Many cultures believe that dreaming of teeth can mean a very serious illness or even death to a loved one. While there is no absolute evidence to support this, it still is highly believed in many cultures. If you suspect you are ill or someone you know is ill, of course seeing a doctor is a good idea – a regular check-up certainly won’t hurt and can help alleviate some of your fears if you hold this belief.

Analyzing Your Teeth Dream: Applying Your Own Personal Interpretation

Because dreams are a deeply personal experience, you will always be the best interpreter of your own dreams. That is why we decided to include some extra tips for helping you to decode what your dream about teeth really means to you on a personal level.

Here are some tips for interpreting your dream about teeth:

How did the dream make you feel? Were you scared or frightened that your teeth fell out? Embarrassed? Were you proud of beautiful, healthy teeth? The way you feel in a dream will help you determine whether your dream was a positive or negative one.

What was the context of the dream? Pay close attention to what else happened in the dream. Who were you with? What were you doing? What other objects or dream symbols appeared in the dream? By thinking about the context and combining the symbol of teeth with other dream symbols it can help you to better understand the meaning of the dream.

What events are going on in your life right now? It’s not uncommon to have dreams of teeth falling out when you have an argument, did something you recently regretted, or have anxiety about problems in your waking life. Carefully thinking about what is going on in your life will definitely help you to better understand the dream meaning.

Compare the Dream to Other Dreams: If you have been keeping a dream journal (as you should be!) then you will likely be able to compare the dream to other dreams you’ve had recently and see some underlying trends and themes with your dreams.

Hopefully this post will help give you some insight as to what it means to dream about teeth. While it can be very frightening to dream of your teeth falling out, usually it can be resolved once you face your problems and anxieties and deal with them accordingly.

Do you have any experiences dreaming about teeth? Have any interpretations or dream meanings you’d like to add to this list? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section below!

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