Dream Symbols

Pregnancy Dream Interpretation and Meaning

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Dreaming of pregnancy and being pregnant is very common. Nearly everyone has had a dream of being pregnant or dreaming someone else was pregnant at some point in their lives.

Since pregnancy is a universal thing which we all experience in one way or another (either as a mother or as the child) – there are many possibilities on what this dream can mean.

Here are some common pregnancy dream meanings:


In many cases, dreaming of being pregnant symbolizes the “birth” of something. It can be a great new idea, a company, a small project, or other creative endeavor – whatever it is that you are meant to bring into this world. Many people who dream about being pregnant are in need of finding a creative outlet or are working on creating something in their waking lives.

Growth and Development:

Another common dream meaning for this symbol is personal growth and development. It can be aspects of your personal life, spirituality, your career or your relationships with others.

New Beginnings

Often times, dreaming of pregnancy can be a sign of new beginnings in your life. Are you being reborn? Are you starting something new? Do you feel like you need a fresh start or a new perspective on life?

You may wish to look up what it means to dream about babies, since both of these things are very closely related. Often times dreaming about birth and babies can be a sign of starting something new or new developments that are happening in a current project.

Divine Feminine and Motherhood Symbol:

Pregnancy and motherhood go hand in hand, and it is also not uncommon for pregnancy to be a symbol of one’s mother, or “mother’s instincts” one may have. If you have children, the dream may be a symbol for you questioning your mothering ability.

Anxiety While Pregnant:

If you are pregnant, dreaming about pregnancy can symbolize your natural anxieties and fears of everything being okay during the remainder of the pregnancy and delivery.

If you are not currently pregnant (or are a male) and feel anxiety in the dream over a pregnancy, it can symbolize a fear to create or get started on a new project or career path.

Dreaming Someone Else is Pregnant:

To dream someone else is pregnant can symbolize that a change is happening. It can also symbolize jealousy or that you may be comparing yourself to others. Occasionally, these dreams can also be predictive in nature, especially if you are close to a person on a spiritual or soul level.

Pregnancy Dreams While Trying to Get Pregnant:

If you are actively trying to get pregnant in your waking life, dreaming of being pregnant could be a wish fulfillment dream or it could be a precognitive dream that you may be pregnant.

Wish fulfillment dreams are a way for you to express your desires to the universe, precognitive dreams can predict the future. While it is more often a wish fulfillment dream than a precognitive dream, it can still emphasize that you are on the right path to conceiving.

If you are experiencing problems while trying to conceive, the dream may be able to help you identify some of the emotions and challenges in your life. Is there something the dream is trying to tell you? Sometimes the dream can be a message of hope – other times feelings of frustration may surface.

Here are some tips to help you interpret your dream about pregnancy:

What are your thoughts about pregnancy? Everyone has different views on pregnancy. Some people find it to be very exciting, such as couples who have been actively trying to conceive. Others may find it terrifying, such as someone who does not want to be pregnant.

Identifying your own personal thoughts about pregnancy, and writing your own definition of pregnancy can help you better understand this common dream symbol.

Are you currently pregnant? Dreams during pregnancy can be especially strange and vivid. Your hormones are always changing, and this can result in some very strange dreams! You may also have many anxieties over the pregnancy, or wonder much what it might be like to have a new child.

While dreams can sometimes be precognitive in nature, they usually are not, and generally just reflect the natural ups and downs of pregnancy emotions and mood swings. Try not to fret too much about the dreams you are having, and if they continue to puzzle or trouble you, don’t hesitate to mention them to your doctor or doula.

Are You a Man? Men can dream of being pregnant, which surely is a startling dream! It can symbolize your desire (or fear) of having children someday, or it could symbolize the motherly instinct that you may be missing or fulfilling in an unconventional way. Typically for men though, it means a new project, business, idea, or need to express one’s creativity.

Do you have additional dream interpretations or meanings for pregnancy and being pregnancy? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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