Dream Symbols

Missing a Flight Dream Meaning

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What does it mean if you dream of missing a flight? If you have a dream about missing an airplane flight, it can be helpful to understand the deeper meaning behind this dream.

Missing a Flight Dream Meaning

Imissing a flight dream meaningf you dream of missing a flight this most often means that you are struggling to make a big decision in waking life. You might be afraid of making the wrong choice.

You may also be afraid of missing out on whatever option you choose.

Dreaming of Missed Opportunities

It is very possible you are dreaming of missing a flight because you are afraid you might miss an important opportunity that would benefit you in some way. Dreaming of missing a flight could be a sign that there is something you should explore in more detail in your waking life before making a decision.

Is there Someone or Something You Miss?

The airplane in the dream can quite possibly be a symbol for someone or something in your life that is absent.

Is there someone in your life who you miss? Think about why you might miss this person, and why these feelings are coming to surface at this present moment in your life.

Dreaming that you missed the flight can also mean you miss the role of someone or something.

For example, you might not miss your old college roommate – but you may be missing that aspect of having someone who you live with each and every day. You might not miss living in the city, but you might miss the convenience of being able to walk everywhere.

Additional Dream Interpretation Tips

You are the best interpreter of your dreams, so it is helpful to look at the whole picture when you start trying to understand what your dreams mean.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

Where was the flight going? You might want to also think about where the flight was going that you missed and look up the meanings of these examples. For example, did you dream of going to a city?

What type of plane did you miss? Was it a big jet plane or a small aircraft? It may also be helpful to look up the dream symbol meaning of an airplane as a type of vehicle.

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One Comment

  1. I had this dream back in 2006 and in 2008 i lost all the material i have including 10 ha of palm plantation because of economic depresion and sibling inteference.

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